Thursday, February 20, 2014

Benefits of hot stone massage

                                                Benefits of hot stone massage          
                    This massage uses river hot stones to reduce muscular tension. Allow yourself to fall into a state of a deep relaxation. The stones’ warmth penetrates the body and aids its natural healing process, restores and rejuvenates.     

                    - A good way to manage stress. Studies show that stress is the number one root of a lot of diseases and disorders. Whether it's stress from work, home or daily activities, the result is the same: too much stress can lead to health problems. And because we can never run away from it, the only way to deal with it is to manage stress efficiently. A hot stone massage offers some relaxing time for your mind and does wonders in releasing muscular tension. Thus this is one of the best ways to relieve you of stress.

                    - Effective in muscle relaxation. The heat in the stones is effective in enabling the muscles to loosen up and relax. This makes it easier for deep tissue manipulation.

                    - Improves health conditions. More and more doctors are beginning to recommend this therapy as part of medical treatment of a lot of health problems such as Arthritis, Fibroblast, Hypertension and muscular skeletal problems.

By Thai New York Spa 

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